Books, Books, & Nashville!

This weekend will be a busy weekend for some of us at the store. First, Saturday September 16th, the author Sharon Garlough Brown will be presenting at the Women’s Retreat at Salina First Covenant Church. In addition, two of our staff members, Carolyn and Karla will be there manning the book table with the three books in the Sensible Shoes series. Tickets for the event are $10.00 each, and can be purchased at the Salina First Covenant Church.

As soon as the book table is finished, Carolyn and Karla will be joined by Karen and Krystal to head to a work conference in Nashville, Tennessee. But this is no ordinary work conference-it is a mother/daughter’s trip! We will be leaving for Nashville on Saturday afternoon from Salina with plans to arrive in Nashville on Sunday afternoon. There are sessions that we can attend, worship, devotions, exhibitors, and a few special events.

While I can’t speak for my Mom or sisters, I(Karla) am most excited about the Author Meet & Greet. I enjoy getting to meet my favorite authors and they sign books for us and sometimes take pictures-it’s like that whole backstage fan treatment! We don’t know what authors will be coming this year but it’s definitely a highlight of the trip.

One of the special events will be the showing of the new movie coming out based on the writing of the song “I Can Only Imagine.” The song became an impactful song for many believers and one of Mercyme’s earliest hits. The movie will be out in 2018. I look forward to sharing with you my take on the film without giving away any important details. If you want to see the trailer now you can check it out here:

Our trip is not going to be all work and no-play, we have plans to visit the Belmont Mansion, Belle Meade Plantation (both of which are highlighted in several of Tamara Alexander’s books!!!), the downtown district where the original Grand Ol Opry theatre is, as well as a few other stops along the way.

If you want to check-in on our travels I, along with others, will be posting pictures on our Facebook and Twitter feed. We will be driving back to Salina on Wednesday. Prayers for safe travels, good new memories, for those we are leaving behind for a few days and for those at the store are appreciated. I look forward to sharing our trip with you after we return!

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