Bringing the Gospel to the Salina Rescue Mission

We have partnered with the Salina Rescue Mission in an attempt to fill their blank walls with uplifting and positive scriptural references! ANY Spirit & Truth Wall Art, including wall plaques and wall crosses, are available for purchase and donation to the Salina Rescue Mission. In addition, for purchasing wall art for the Salina Rescue Mission, you will receive a $5.00 Gift Card to our store for use on a future purchase! We want to thank you for your support of us and the Salina Rescue Mission.

So how does this work?

We have each Spirit & Truth Wall Art item marked with a sign--OR you can ask one of the sales staff for assistance. Simply pick an item out and pay for the item. There are two methods for item delivery:
Option 1: You may personally deliver the item to the Salina Rescue Mission
Option 2: Leave the item with us and Salina Rescue Mission will come pick it up!

Final Note: If you would like to receive a donation notice from the Salina Rescue Mission that is possible too! If you choose to deliver the item yourself, request a form at the time of delivery. If you would like us to keep the item for pick-up, we will have a small form for you to fill out for their records and you will receive a donation form from the Salina Rescue Mission in the mail.

The Salina Rescue Mission is doing great things to provide rehabilitation for those in need in our area. Here is their mission statement: To provide Christian ministry to persons in need of food, shelter, clothing, or other basic needs, and to rehabilitate through teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please join us in our efforts to provide uplifting and positive scriptural messages on all the walls of the Salina Rescue Mission!

Movies, Movies, and More Movies!

Movies, Movies, and More Movies!

Throughout the year there are always new movies releasing and specific times for movies to release….like your action-packed big ticket films release in May and December. Well-March this year seems to be overwhelmed with amazing movies! Check out the three newest films worth seeing releasing this month!

I Can Only Imagine-    March 16, 2018

This movie is so incredibly special, if you don’t see it-you will be missing out. As I’ve said before, those of us who were able to go to Nashville last fall got to see an early cut of the film. There were definitely some editing issues that had yet to be fixed, but the movie was inspiring. For those who know me well, know that I am also a musician and teacher. That alone should have driven me to want to see this movie, unfortunately-I hate this song-well used to hate this song. It was so overplayed on the radio at the time of its release, the meaning of the song became lost on me. To be honest-I wasn’t excited to see the preview of the film or sit in the chairs for so long that night in September----but I couldn’t get enough!!! This movie will make you laugh, cry, and hold your breath in awe. As a musician, I have long believed that a huge part of a piece is at its heart-why, when, and how it was written. As a middle schooler, I never knew the story. This movie has changed my perception of this song and made a huge impact on me, and I hope it does the same for you.

Paul, Apostle of Christ-  March 23, 2018

With this movie comes the telling of two stories, both well known in the new testament. Luke ventures to find Paul locked up in jail, awaiting death. Luke decides to write down Paul’s story from the beginning, writing of “The Way”, and what will become the church. Paul is locked in a cell, left to dwell on his life choices, past sins, battling depression and darkness and searching for light and hope as he faces death. While I have not seen or heard much of the film until recently, the story of two courageous men shedding light in dark times and Roman controlled areas is sure to be inspirational to all who go see this film.

God’s Not Dead: A Light in Darkness-   March 30, 2018  

This movie is the third movie in the God’s Not Dead series. If you have not seen the first two-no worries, each of these films are standalone films and don’t have to be watched in order or at all to see the third film. If you have seen either of the first two films, several characters may be familiar to you (especially if you’ve seen the first film as one character returns!). This series of films have made a huge impact across the nation, dealing with a fictionalized story that are founded on real cases. In the first film, a student goes against a professor to prove that God is Not Dead. His actions affect many other students on campus-showing how one person can affect many. In the second film, we go to the public school system-demonstrating how teachers have been persecuted within the schools for simply being a believer. In this film, Pastor David and his church on campus is under attack. As good as the first two films were, I can only imagine how impactful this film will be. Don’t miss out on seeing it in theaters at the end of March.

These are the three big movies coming out in March! There are so many great movies out there it is difficult to see them all-especially to pay to see them all in theaters. My advice-watch the trailers, visit the websites, determine which movie stands out to you that you feel God is leading you to see-don’t take my word for it-you decide. I’d hate to hear-”well I really wanted to see that, but the blog talked this one up so much I went to it and it just wasn’t the right film for me”-please don’t do that. Think about which film(s) is right for you, which one interests you the most, the film God wants to speak to you through. All these films are and will be amazing! Now it’s up to you. 

PS-We are offering a special promo until the end of April-10% off with your movie ticket stub from any of these three movies! 

10% Off Tuesdays!

Hi all!

I apologize for the length of time between posts, it seems my days at the store were busy, my days at home even busier, and then throw in a trip in the middle and the social media accounts got neglected. But, while the social media accounts may not have been entirely well maintained (again I’m sorry)-YOU, our customers, readers, and supporters have not been ignored or forgotten. We are always available to you.

With that being said, we would like to reward all of you for taking the time to follow our social media outlets. For the foreseeable future, we are offering 10% off your purchase every Tuesday. Here’s How It Works: Simply tell us you saw our Social Media Post and you will automatically receive 10% off. We want to give back to you, our loyal social media followers-new and old!

Also-remember that book I talked about coming at the beginning of February? If you don’t that's okay, but if you were waiting for the book An Extra Mile by Sharon Garlough Brown, the book has finally released and is in stock now!!! Pick it up today at a discounted rate!

There are so many great new music releases, movie releases, and book releases coming up soon in March-I’ll be writing about those more later-but for now there’s one more release I”d like to share. Do you remember a book that was turned into a movie late last fall that recently released on DVD & Blu-Ray?

Yes it is Wonder! And guess what?!?!?! We have it in stock! Come check it out-I know I want a copy for my home! (BTW- the Bluray has added special features just in case you are indecisive between the DVD and Bluray.) Thanks for reading!