Christmas Time

Read all the way to the bottom for an Amazing Christmas Video!!!

Christmas Time: what a wonderful joyous time of year!.....Also maybe one of the most stressful times of year….presents to buy, family gatherings to plan and attend, decorations to put up, yada, yada, yada. Keeping up with all the holiday extravagance seems overwhelming at times. I’ll be honest-being a child at Christmas time is so much more fun than being an adult. Shopping for presents seemed to be more fun, so did going to the family gatherings. No arguing or debating-just joy and celebrations.

As adults, while we need to share the real reason for the season with children, maybe the reason we share is so that in amongst all the planning and decorating and shopping, we remember the real reason for the season too. Here is short explanation of our Christmas Traditions: 

Christmas Tree: The first Christmas Tree was decorated in the year 1500 by Martin Luther. While there is a longer history to decorating trees, Luther decorated the first tree in honor of Christ’s Birth. Over the next few hundred years, decorating a tree become popular within the Germanic countries, and later spread to the rest of the world. As the tree is cut down and erected again, the tree has come to symbolize the Christ’s resurrection. (Don’t worry-if you don’t have a live tree in your home-the symbolization is still present). 
Candy Cane: The candy cane is purposefully shaped like a shepherds staff to symbolize Jesus coming as a shepherd of people. The red signifies Christ’s suffering while the white signifies Christ’s purity. This year, I for one want to make CandyCane’s out of sugar cookie dough, using food coloring. 

Gifts: The idea of giving gifts came from the Three Wise Men. The Three Wise Men brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to honor the Messiah, Jesus. Our greatest gift of course is Jesus Christ-he is the reason we celebrate and the reason we give gifts to one another. 

As you prepare for the coming of Christmas, including buying gifts, remember the reason for the season. Remember the purpose of the gifts you buy and buy gifts that those you care for that they both desire and need (And don't forget we are always here and willing to help you!) Remember to spend time with friends and family, to cherish those you are with and care most about. Cherish each moment you have and hold tight to the promises of the Advent season and the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

As promised here is the awesome video I promised! Check it out and check out more from PianoGuys Christmas Album for SALE in-store now!