What's New in Books?

If your searching for some new books to read all you have to do is ask! Searching for new books may seem like a daunting task with so MANY new books on the market. Let us help-here are a few recently released books that you may find interesting. I've tried to include a variety of books in this list-but if I'm missing what you are searching for, please come in and visit us, call, or leave a comment and we will do our best to help you-even if we have to do some searching!

If your into BIOGRAPHIES:

If you enjoy watching Fixer Upper or the book The Magnolia Story, check out the lastest book from Chip Gaines called Capital Gaines:

In this semi-humble account of a man on a mission, Chip Gaines is living proof of how one's fearless dedication and love for both business and family can redefine modern success. "Some of the greatest success stories of all time come from people who were misunderstood or even miscategorized. Maybe their strengths weren't noticed or valued. Perhaps they got a slow start or went about things in an unusualy manner. They somehow didn't fit into the world's narrow definition of what constitutes achievement or success," Chip Gaines. Here is the honest (and often humorous) account of Chip's personal journey, in both business and life. "Your purpose is just like mine. It's big, and it's important, and there's no one else anywhere on the planet who can fulfill it. So quit messing around-and go get'em," Chip Gaines. 

Gaines, Chip. Capital Gaines: Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff. 2017.

For music lovers (musicians and listeners alike), here is a story of a leading country artist who gives a message to all in his book: Never Look at the Empty Seats: A Memoir by Charlie Daniels

Charlie was officially inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2016, shortly before his eightieth birthday. He now shares the inside stories, reflections, and rare personal photographs from his earliest days in the 1940s to his self-taught guitar and fiddle playing high school days of the fifties through his rise to music stardom in the seventies, eighties, and beyond. "Walk onstage with a positive attitude...Some nights you have more to give than others, but put it all out there every show," Charlie Daniels. 

Daniels, Charlie. Never Look at the Empty Seats: A Memoir. 2017.

If your into FICTION

Jen Turano has written a new book called Out of the Ordinary. Whether you are familiar or not with Jen Turano's books, her stories are filled with history, humor, and a little romance. The main characters are typically independent females, finding themselves in interesting scenarios. Publishers Weekly on Behind the Scenes says, "With all the charm of a Regency romance, the humor of a drawing room farce, and the swoonworthy delight of a fariy tale." If you are looking for some history and humor-Jen Turano's books are for you! Turano, Jen. Out of the Ordinary. 2017.

Karen Kingsbury released her new book in the Baxter Family Series titled In This Moment

"This year would be different. Today was the first day of the new Hamilton High, and very soon at the assembly, Wendel Quinn would inform his students of the controverisal program. After today they would have a choice. If they wanted, they could raise the bar for their lives, their futures. No matter the cost to himself, Wendell could hardly wait to tell them about it. He closed the folder and studied the title again "In This Moment." The words came from his old youth football coach, Les Green. "You have to ask yourself," the coach used to say, "what good can I do in this moment?"

Kingsbury, Karen. In This Moment. 2017.

For those who are familiar with the TV Show, Movie, or original book: Christy by Catherine Marshall has been released in its 50th year anniversary. If you are like me, you watched the TV series on TV and hated when the show ended after one season, leaving you to wonder who did Christy choose? If you have yet to learn the ending to the story, or have read the story but long to read it again, check out the 50th Anniversary copy of Christy by Catherine Marshall. 


Ron Bowell is a local author and continues to write devotionals, which we carry in-store. Come and get his newest devotional book called Friar Tuck's Word of the Day.

Overwhelming Times

Do you ever feel like you can’t keep up? Like there is so much going on in your brain, in your life, in your significant other’s life, in your kids’, parents’, siblings’, students’, and on and on? Do you ever just feel bogged down by the weight of it all?

Maybe you took on too much, maybe it’s just this time of year, maybe it’s deadlines you don’t know if you can meet. Phone call after phone call trying to find answers….all the while dealing with other just as important details of your life.

God’s trying to get your attention! Trying to tell you everything will be okay. HE’s got this-you don’t have too. When everything seems like it’s snowballing out of control-HE’s in control so you don’t have to. When the answers seem few and far between or impossible to find, HE’s in control so you don’t have too. When you feel like you’re “lost in space” with direction-it’s okay, He’s got this.

No matter what, God’s got you, everyone around you, and everything in the palm of His hand.

So….take a Deep Breath,
Remind yourself-God is in control (write it down somewhere you will see it as a constant reminder if you want to). Everything will turn out okay-the road may be bumpy in the process and the path may be difficult to follow at times, but the ending will be worth it.

And Remember: God is with you always.